Analysis of the development history and core competitive factors of the photovoltaic glass industry

Analysis of the photovoltaic glass industry chain: The necessary configuration of photovoltaic modules is undergoing structural changes. Photovoltaic glass is one of the indispensable configurations for photovoltaic modules. Single-glass modules are still the mainstream of photovoltaic modules, but the advantages of double-sided double-glass modules are gradually appearing, and the penetration rate continues to rise. Ultra-white glass is the only choice for photovoltaic original films, and ultra-white quartz sand is scarce. The photovoltaic glass process technology is relatively stable, and rolling is the main process of photovoltaic glass, and the float glass process is beginning to show its substitution. The development history of domestic photovoltaic glass: from import substitution to global leadership, the industry has always maintained a high degree of concentration. The domestic photovoltaic glass industry has gone through three stages: the first stage (2000-2005): the budding stage, the stage where foreign-funded enterprises dominate; the second stage (2006-2012): the initial stage, the large development of foreign photovoltaic demand brings including…

Details Release Date: 2020/12/04

Photovoltaic glass industry: capacity shortage and capacity replacement policy are not directly related

On November 22, 2020, a symposium on the situation of the photovoltaic glass industry was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu. The conference was hosted by China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association and jointly hosted by Xinyi Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. and Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. Participating in the meeting were the president of China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association Zhang Baiheng, the vice presidents Ruan Hongliang and Lin Jinxi, the CEO of Xinyi Solar Holding Co., Ltd. Li Youqing and other photovoltaic glass business leaders and media representatives, and a total of 48 people. The meeting was presided over by Zhou Zhiwu, Secretary General of China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association. Since entering the second half of this year, photovoltaic glass has been selling well, and production capacity supply has gradually become tight. In order to ensure the development needs of the photovoltaic industry and promote the healthy and sustainable development of photovoltaic glass, the association has…

Details Release Date: 2020/12/03

Photovoltaic industry’s 2021 strategy-demand boom without worries HJT industrialization curtain kicked off

With sufficient reserves of domestic affordable projects, rapid recovery of overseas demand, the carbon neutral target guides mid- to long-term demand, and the demand for photovoltaics is prosperous; the curtain of HJT industrialization has opened, and the localization of equipment is expected to accelerate HJT penetration. Demand: The curtain of parity is opened, and the demand boom is worry-free Due to the price increase in the industry chain, it is expected that most of the bidding projects with a total volume of 25.97GW in 2020 will be carried over to the grid in the first half of 2021; in terms of parity projects, two batches of projects announced by the National Energy Administration and recently converted from other models to parity projects The total amount exceeds 55GW. We predict that in 2021, about 45GW of affordable projects should enter the grid-connection cycle. It is estimated that domestic installed capacity demand is expected to reach 50GW in 2021, and it is…

Details Release Date: 2020/12/02

Research Report | Confirmation of all compliant photovoltaic power plants, subsidies in arrears or cleared in 2037

The policy clarifies that all compliant photovoltaic power plants can be included in the subsidy list, and the full-capacity grid-connected time solution is introduced. On November 25, the Ministry of Finance issued the “Notice on Accelerating the Review of the List of Renewable Energy Power Generation Subsidy Projects”, stating that all compliant photovoltaic projects built after 2006 can apply for the subsidy list. According to the “Notice Concerning the Review of the List of Renewable Energy Power Generation Subsidy Projects” issued by the Ministry of Finance in March, the last batch of lists is only for ordinary photovoltaic projects connected to the grid at the end of July 2017 and front-runner projects connected to the grid at the end of 2019 , This time the policy is issued to realize the right to confirm all compliant photovoltaic projects with subsidies. In addition, the policy requires projects to implement the on-grid electricity price for the full-capacity grid-connected time. For projects that…

Details Release Date: 2020/12/01

Onlookers! What did the photovoltaic giants talk about in the four CCTV “Dialogues”?

China’s photovoltaic manufacturing industry is No. 1 in the world! China’s installed photovoltaic power generation capacity ranks first in the world! China’s photovoltaic power generation is the largest in the world! On November 21, the special program “China Photovoltaic: Counterattack in Despair” on CCTV-2 “Dialogue” on CCTV Finance Channel will be broadcast at 21:30. Tongwei Group Chairman Liu Hanyuan, Trina Solar Chairman Gao Jifan, Longji Chairman Zhong Baoshen, Sungrow Chairman Cao Renxian, National Climate Strategy Center Academic Committee Director Li Junfeng, China Photovoltaic Industry Association Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Wang Bohua , Xu Hongcai, deputy director of the Economic Policy Committee of the China Policy Science Research Association, made an appearance together to talk about the revival of China’s photovoltaic industry and reveal the logic and confidence behind China’s photovoltaic industry’s leaping to the “first in the world. Liu Hanyuan, Chairman of Tongwei Group’s board of directors: Ten years ago, many key raw materials were outside, key equipment was outside,…

Details Release Date: 2020/12/01